Countdown to #Airports19
Join us for the 2019 ACI-NA Annual Conference & Exhibition September 15 – September 17, 2019, in Tampa and learn first-hand from aviation industry experts while cultivating new and existing relationships with more than 2,100 delegates from more than 200 airports and airport authorities. Take advantage of our non-conflicting exhibition hours to discover new products and get immediate answers and solutions to issues facing your organization.

Our 2019 agenda will explore the full range of issues impacting the North American airport industry today and tomorrow. See the schedule at a glance >>

The ACI-NA Annual Conference and Exhibition brings together powerhouse thought leaders like retired General Stan McChrystal and airport industry innovators that are driving the industry forward. See this year’s speaker line up >>

Take a deep dive into the latest trends and challenges facing the industry during one of our many committee specific workshops. See the committee workshop schedule >>

The 2019 exhibit show floor – the largest airport trade show in the world – features more than 200 exhibitors showcasing innovative products and services. See the exhibit floor plan >>

Thank you to our 2019 sponsors for their generous support. Check out our 2019 conference sponsors and partners >>

Why Attend?

Any professional interested in learning about aviation trends or meeting industry leaders should plan to attend ACI-NA’s 2019 Annual Conference and Exhibition to:
- Learn first-hand from aviation industry experts in pre-conference seminars, general sessions and concurrent educational sessions.
- Keep up to date on new and emerging technologies.
- Grow your professional network.
- Get immediate answers and solutions to issues within your airport, authority or company by talking with peers and meeting with vendors on our expansive show floor.
- Discover new products and solutions that can raise revenue and decrease expenses.
- See the latest technology on display and visit your vendors all in one location.
Full Conference Registration Fees
Online registration is closed. On-site registration will be available.
Full Conference Registration Includes:
- Committee Workshops & Meetings (September 14-15)
- General Sessions
- Educational Sessions
- Exhibition Hall
- Chair’s Hand Off Reception
- Closing Night Event
- Breakfast, lunch, and break refreshments are also provided.
We will be offering a “One Day Pass” for the 2019 ACI-NA Annual Conference & Exhibition. The One Day Pass allows full participation in educational programming and access to the expo show floor for a single day. To attend the conference for multiple days, please register for the Full Conference.
Before August 2
After August 2
One-Day Pass
Before August 2
After August 2
One-Day Pass
U.S./Canadian Federal Government
Full-Time Student
Committee Workshop Package
Saturday, Sept. 14 & Sunday, Sept. 15, 2019
Included in full conference registration
Available committee workshops include:
- Business Information Technology
- Operations & Technical Affairs
- Environmental Affairs
- Legal Affairs
Before August 2
After August 2
Before August 2
After August 2
Finance Committee Workshop
Sunday, Sept. 15 only
You will be included on the pre-registration roster, if your registration is received by ACI-NA, and paid in full, by 5 pm EDT Friday, August 23, 2019. Registrations or payments received after August 2, will be processed with the higher registration fee and registrations received after August 23, will not appear in the pre-registration roster.
Please click here for our registration and cancellation policies.
Please note: ACI-NA will not sell or provide our event attendee list, including names and contact information, to anyone for resale purposes.
ACI-NA has contracted hotel rooms at discounted rates on your behalf. If our contracted obligations are not met, we pay substantial penalty fees to the hotel, thus requiring an increase in registration rates in the future.
We are able to monitor attendance through our room block. This enables us to be better prepared and helps with cost containment. Booking within our block helps us to maintain our strong business value, which is critical to our negotiations with future cities and cost-containment efforts.
Need to know
- Be sure to identify yourself as being with the ACI-NA Group to receive the discounted rates.
- The booking deadline for discounted hotel rates is Friday, August 16, 2019. The discounted rooms and the hotel may sell out prior to the booking deadline, so make your reservations early.
- Please note: Each attendee may only reserve up to two (2) rooms at the time of the reservation.
- There is no designated “headquarters hotel.”
- Hotel accommodations should be booked directly through the hotel website, not through any other third-party company offering hotel reservation services. ACI-NA does not contract any third-party companies, including Global Elite Travel, to manage hotel reservations.
- Currently, the ACI-NA room blocks are sold out at the Tampa Marriott Water Street and the Embassy Suites by Hilton. Please keep checking back with the ACI-NA official hotels, as there are cancellations occurring as attendee travel plans may change.

Tampa Marriott Water Street
700 South Florida Avenue
Tampa, FL 33602
(813) 221-4900

Embassy Suites by Hilton
513 South Florida Avenue
Tampa, FL 33602
(813) 769-8300

Hilton Tampa Downtown
211 North Tampa St.
Tampa, FL 33602
(813) 204-3000
General Stan McChrystal
Former Commander of U.S. and International Forces in Afghanistan
Author of best-sellers Leaders: Myth and Reality, Team of Teams and My Share of the Task
Co-Founder of the McChrystal Group
“To hear McChrystal, 60, talk about leadership is like hearing Steve Jobs talk about innovation or Henry Ford talk about productivity. The former general is a warrior and visionary who turned a bulky bureaucracy into a fast-moving force that helped wipe out Al-Qaeda in Iraq and is credited with turning the tide of that war as well as the one in Afghanistan.” – Wired Magazine

A four-star general, he is the former commander of U.S. and international forces in Afghanistan and the former leader of Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC), which oversees the military’s most sensitive forces. His leadership of JSOC is credited with the 2003 capture of Saddam Hussein and the 2006 location and killing of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, the leader of al-Qaeda in Iraq. He is also the author of the best-selling leadership books, My Share of the Task: A Memoir, Team of Teams: New Rules of Engagement for a Complex World, and Leaders: Myth and Reality. Exclusively represented by Leading Authorities speakers bureau, McChrystal, a former Green Beret, is known for his candor, innovative leadership, and going the distance. Called “one of America’s greatest warriors” by Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, few can speak about leadership, teamwork, and international affairs with as much insight.
Thirty-Four Years of Service. The son and grandson of Army officers, McChrystal graduated from West Point in 1976 and was commissioned as an infantry officer. He later trained at the Special Forces School in Fort Bragg, North Carolina and spent much of his career commanding special operations and airborne infantry units. During the Persian Gulf War, McChrystal served in a Joint Special Operations Task Force and later commanded the 75th Ranger Regiment. He also completed year-long fellowships at Harvard’s John F. Kennedy School of Government in 1997 and at the Council on Foreign Relations in 2000. He was promoted to brigadier general in 2001.
In 2002, he was appointed chief of staff of military operations in Afghanistan. Two years later, McChrystal was selected to deliver the nationally televised Pentagon briefings about military operations in Iraq. From 2003–2008, he commanded JSOC and was responsible for leading the nation’s deployed military counter-terrorism efforts around the globe, assuming command of all international forces in Afghanistan in June 2009. President Obama’s order for an additional 30,000 troops to Afghanistan was based on McChrystal’s assessment of the war.
Supporting Military Families and National Service. McChrystal retired from the military in 2010. He now serves on the board of directors for JetBlue Airways. McChrystal is the chair of Service Year Alliance, a project of Be The Change and the Aspen Institute, which envisions a future in which a service year is a cultural expectation and common opportunity for every young American. He is also a senior fellow at Yale University’s Jackson Institute for Global Affairs, where he teaches a popular course on leadership.
General McChrystal co-founded the McChrystal Group in 2010. Its mission is to deliver innovative leadership solutions to organizations which help them transform and succeed in challenging and dynamic environments.
Four-Star Strategy Lessons. A dynamic, powerful speaker, McChrystal impresses audiences with field-tested leadership lessons, stressing a uniquely inclusive model that focuses on building teams capable of relentlessly pursuing results. When old systems fall short, he believes true leaders must look for ways to innovate and change. Citing stories from his career, McChrystal reveals a four-star management strategy, concentrating on openness, teamwork, and forward-thinking.

Here at ACI-NA we have been busy creating a schedule full of innovative sessions, workshops and educational opportunities. We invite you to join your fellow aviation industry professionals in Tampa at the 2019 ACI-NA Annual Conference & Exhibition. This event is sure to provide many exciting networking events for you and your colleagues. Plan now to connect with industry leaders, top-level decision makers, and other airport professionals from across the globe
Agenda Highlights

Thought-leader retired General Stanley McChrystal will deliver this year’s keynote address focused on field-tested leadership lessons, stressing a uniquely inclusive model that focuses on building teams capable of relentlessly pursuing results. Learn more >>

Airport Tour
Tampa International Airport will offer tours to conference attendees on Wednesday, Sept. 18 from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. Learn more >>

Committee Workshops
Take a deep dive into the latest trends and challenges facing the industry during one of our many committee-specific workshops. Learn more >>
Committee Workshops at the 2019 Annual Conference and Exhibition will take place on Saturday, September 14 and Sunday, September 15. Please check the list below for specific times for individual committees. Agendas for individual committee workshops and meetings are currently being developed and will continue to be posted.
Committee workshops and meetings are open to all registered attendees, unless otherwise noted.
Business Information Technology Committee
Saturday, September 14
8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Sunday, September 15
9:00 a.m. – 4:45 p.m.
Legal Affairs Committee
Saturday, September 14
8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Sunday, September 15
9:00 a.m. – 4:45 p.m.
Operations & Technical Affairs Committee
Saturday, September 14
8:30 a.m. – 6:30 p.m.
Sunday, September 15
9:00 a.m. – 4:45 p.m.
Environmental Affairs Committee
Saturday, September 14
9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Sunday, September 15
9:00 a.m. – 4:45 p.m.
Finance Committee
Saturday, September 14
Sunday, September 15
9:00 a.m. – 4:45 p.m.
Commissioners Committee
Sunday, September 15
10:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Business Diversity Committee
Sunday, September 15
2:00 p.m. – 4:45 p.m.
Air Cargo Committee
Sunday, September 15
9:00 a.m. – 3:10 p.m.
Become a Sponsor
As a sponsor, you get to demonstrate your company’s value to attendees while they learn and network at the industry’s leading airport event.
The ACI-NA Annual Conference & Exhibition serves as the industry’s premier event where airport directors, their staff, and aviation/airport vendors meet to discuss changes in the field, best practices, and new products and technology.
Don’t miss these opportunities to set your company or organization apart and increase your exposure and position in this dynamic industry. Custom sponsorship opportunities are available. Please contact and we will help design an opportunity especially for you.
2019 Sponsors

Become an Exhibitor
Exhibiting at the ACI-NA Annual Conference & Exhibition allows you to showcase your products and services to over 2,000 airport professionals representing over 225 airports – all in one place at one time. Join your current and future airport clients at the largest and fastest growing airport show in North America.
For information about becoming an exhibitor, please contact Brad Lewis, Director of Exhibit Sales & Operations, at or 301-625-5123.
Current Exhibitors
This section will be updated with important links and resources for current exhibitors as they become available. All of these resources will also be emailed to designated exhibitor contacts throughout the year.
Download the Conference App
Make the most of your ACI-NA Conference experience by downloading the ACI-NA Conferences app on your smartphone or tablet. Available to all registered attendees, the ACI-NA Conferences app lets you search the participant list, connect with attendees, customize your agenda, and much more! This year, the app includes new features for attendees like:
Personal Leads – Connecting with other attendees has never been easier! Simply click on “Personal Leads“ in your app menu and you can share your information and collect other attendees’ information by scanning a QR code directly in the app. Don’t forget to set up your profile within the app before you arrive and choose which information you’d like to share
Share your feedback – Share your feedback on the sessions you attend by taking a brief three-question survey right in the app at the end of each session. You can also rate and review speakers throughout the course of the conference.
Earn points within the app for a chance to win a one of two Visa gift cards. Points can be earned throughout the conference by completing session surveys, posting a status update, commenting on another attendee’s status update, checking into sessions, posting photos and more.
Don’t forget to plan out your time on our show floor with the interactive Exhibit Hall map available in the app.
Your login information will be the email address you used when registering for the conference and the password “airports” (we recommend entering this password over using the apps “Automatic Login” feature).
If you have any questions or need help with the app, please email or visit our mobile app help desk on-site during breaks near registration.

Plan your visit
Looking to see more of what Tampa has to offer while you’re in town? Check out the many attractions, destinations, restaurants, things to do and places to see listed on Visit Tampa Bay’s website .
Need a Lyft?
We’ve partnered with Lyft to offer a discount on rides to and from:
Tampa International Airport
Tampa Marriott Water Street
Embassy Suites
Hilton Tampa
Tampa Convention Center
Open up your Lyft app and enter AIRPORTS19 before requesting a ride between Sept. 13 and 18, 2019. Click here for detailed instructions and more information.

Registration & Check-in
If you haven’t yet registered for the ACI-NA Annual Conference & Exhibition, on-site registration will be available at the registration desk in the East/West Registration area on the second level of the Tampa Convention Center during the following times:
Saturday, Sept. 14 from 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.
Sunday, Sept. 15 from 7:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Monday, Sept. 16 from 7:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Tuesday, Sept. 17 from 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
To decrease wait times, we ask that anyone wishing to register on-site complete a form prior to approachin the on-site registration counter. Forms will be available adjacent to the registration counter or you may download a form and complete it prior to departure.
Download Conference and Track Agendas
To view a full overview of the sessions available at this year’s ACI-NA Annual Conference & Exhibition and individual committee workshop agendas, please visit the Agenda tab.
In order to reduce our carbon footprint and ensure our conferences are environmentally-friendly and sustainable, we will have a limited number of printed guides available on-site on a first come, first served basis. We encourage attendees to download our mobile conference app to view session information, including times, locations, speaker information and more.
Registration & Payment Information
Please contact us at We are available Monday through Friday from 8:30 am – 5:00 pm EST if you need to reach us by phone at (202) 293-8500.
Sponsorship Information
Please contact Sponsorship at or 202-293-8500.
Meeting, Housing & Logistics Questions
Please contact us at We are available Monday through Friday from 8:30am – 5:00 pm EST if you need to reach us by phone at (202) 293-8500.
Exhibitor Information
Member Status & Benefits Information
Please contact member services at
Press Inquiries
Please contact Scott Elmore at