Advance Your Airport Career with ACI-NA
As the Voice of Airports in North America, Airports Council International – North America (ACI-NA) advocates policies and provides services that strengthen the ability of commercial airports to serve their passengers, customers and communities.
The foundation of ACI-NA’s successful advocacy for North American airports is because of the work of our committees. Airport and WBP/Associate Members know ACI-NA Committees foster collaboration and provide essential industry intelligence by keeping up-to-date on the most critical issues impacting airports.
The work of the Committees is overseen by Steering Groups, elected or appointed by the committee membership. These industry professionals share their time and knowledge to develop and respond to policy and regulatory proposals as well as establish annual work plans with projects designed to benefit airports in the United States and Canada.
In order to participate the Young Professional (YP) must be 40 years of age or younger during their term on the Steering Group and their airport/company must be a member in good standing of ACI-NA.
The Steering Group term is one year, with the option of being reelected in the following year, according to the individual Committee Participation Plan. YPs can participate on a Steering Group even if their airport/ company already participates as a Steering Group member.
A Committee For Everyone
To help continue the success of our Committees, ACI-NA is establishing two Young Professional (YP) Steering Group positions on each committee; one for an airport member and one for a World Business Partner/ Associate Member.
Committees participating in the YP initiative include:
- Air Cargo
- Air Service
- Business Diversity
- Business Information Technology
- Commercial Management
- Environment Affairs
- Facilitation
- Finance
- Human Resources
- Legal Affairs
- Marketing, Communications and Customer Experience
- Operations and Technical Affairs
- Public Safety and Security
- Risk Management
Get Involved
If you are a YP interested in participating, or want to nominate a colleague, please contact Veronica Gerson, ACI-NA’s Senior Director of Member Services, via email at or by phone (202) 293-4547.