These resources we’ve compiled and created are meant to help the community understand what the Beyond the Runway Coalition is, our mission, and to help partners advocate on behalf of North America’s airports. From social media graphics to state-focused economic impact stats and other research, these tools help to communicate the needs of airports on state and national levels.
To learn more about how to use these resources, ask for additional resources or learn more about becoming a Beyond the Runway partner, please email Amanda La Joie.
- 2019 Airport Infrastructure Needs Study
- Airline Profits Soar as Airport Infrastructure Investment Goes Unfunded Fact Sheet
- Unmet Airport Infrastructure Needs Fact Sheet
- Airport Infrastructure Needs Talking Points
- Modernizing the PFC: The Key to Transforming America’s Airports for a Competitive 21st Century
- Tax Foundation’s Improving Airport Funding to Meet the Needs of Passengers
- Don’t block improvements at SC, US airports
The State | January 30, 2018 | Op-Ed by Building America’s Future’s Marcia Hale - Airport infrastructure needs renovation
The News & Observer | December 28, 2017 | Op-Ed by Raleigh-Durham Airport Authority’s Michael Landguth and Building America’s Future’s Ed Rendell - Our Turn: Smart investment in R.I. jobs
Providence Journal | December 12, 2017 | Op-Ed by Rhode Island Airport Corporation’s Iftikhar Ahmad and Building America’s Future’s Ed Rendell - American’s Infrastructure: The Secret to Greatness
The Hill | January 3, 2017 | Joint Op-Ed by ACI-NA’s Kevin Burke and AAPA’s Kurt Nagel - The Conservative Case for a Modernized Passenger Facility Charge
The Hill | June 15, 2015 | Op-Ed by CEI’s Marc Scribner
- Beyond the Runway Coalition Letter of Support for Massie/DeFazio Amendment to FAA Reauthorization Act of 2018 (H.R. 4), April 24, 2018
- AAAE/ACI-NA Joint Letter to Chairman Pete Sessions, Support for Massie/DeFazio Amendment in FAA Reauthorization Act (H.R. 4), April 24, 2018
- Transportation Construction Coalition Letter of Support for Massie/DeFazio Amendment to FAA Reauthorization Act of 2018 (H.R. 4), April 20, 2018
- Beyond the Runway Coalition Letter on Private Activity Bonds, December 5, 2017
- Conservative Organizations Letter on PFC as a User Fee to House Appropriations Committee, November 30, 2017
- Beyond the Runway Coalition Letter on FY18 omnibus bill to House and Senate Appropriations Committees, November 27, 2017
- Beyond the Runway Coalition Letter on THUD Appropriations Bill to Senate Appropriations Committee, July 26, 2017
- Beyond the Runway Coalition Letter on PFC Inclusion in FAA Reauthorization Act, June 28, 2017
- Beyond the Runway Coalition Letter on AIRR Act Amendment Support, June 27, 2017
- Conservative Organizations Letter on Airport Needs to the U.S. House Leadership, July 21, 2015
- Beyond the Runway Coalition Letter on Airport Needs to the U.S. House Leadership, January 8, 2015
- Beyond the Runway Coalition Letter on Airport Needs to the U.S. Senate Leadership, January 8, 2015
The resources below provide detailed information on airport economic impact for all 50 states. Please click on the state name to view and download these resources.
For information on airport infrastructure needs on a national scale, please click the image to the left and download the national data one sheet.
State Social Media Graphics

State One Sheets