Passenger facilitation, or the process of ensuring passengers are able to move through an airport quickly, is a top priority for airports. Airports work with airline partners and government agencies to provide seamless and expeditious customs screening while still maintaining the highest standards of safety and security.
In response to record growth in international traffic, ACI-NA has developed a communications toolkit to assist airports in their education efforts with passengers. The resources below can be used by airports through websites, print collateral, and social media. Airports can also contact Scott Elmore to customize each piece to an airport’s specific brand or iconography.
"What to Expect" Fact Sheet
Airports can post this fact sheet to their website or print it for distribution to arriving passengers. The fact sheet includes logos from Customs and Border Protection, Global Entry, Automated Passport Control, Mobile Passport Control and NEXUS. ACI-NA can provide airports customized fact sheets if your airport uses unique icons or other wayfinding images to each of the available options. ACI-NA can also remove screening options if it is not available at your airport. Contact Scott Elmore for any customizations.
Mobile Passport Control Marketing Materials
Since 2014, ACI-NA has been proud to partner with CBP and Airside Mobile to implement Mobile Passport Control. Mobile Passport was designed to facilitate fast and efficient entry into the United States while maintaining the highest security standards. Now available at 25 U.S. airports, Mobile Passport continues to be a success. Such simple technology is providing significant relief for limited Customs staffing resources at airports.
Print Materials
Website Assets
Pop-Up Banner
![Mobile Passport_Logo_Screen](
Full Logo
![Mobile Passport_Logo_icon_only_Screen](
Graphic Mark
Social Media Materials
To help educate passengers about the benefits of using Mobile Passport to expedite the customs process at participating airports, ACI-NA has developed a social media toolkit that our members can utilize. The toolkit contains posts for Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. Download some sample social media posts >>