Canada’s Airports Welcome Tabling of CTA Review Report

February 25, 2016


OTTAWA — The Canadian Airports Council today welcomed the tabling of the final report of the Canada Transportation Act Review Panel, and looks forward to engaging with government and other partners in air transport on the panel’s recommendations.

“It has been nearly 25 years since the transfer of responsibility for operating and financing Canada’s airports was moved from the federal government to a series of local airport authorities. Canada’s airports are proud of the role we play in supporting trade, jobs and social mobility,” said CAC Chair John Gibson, who also is president and CEO of the Prince George Airport. “We look forward to continued dialogue with Transport Minister Garneau and our industry partners in the coming weeks and months ahead.”

The CAC’s submission to the CTA Review Panel, which was chaired by former cabinet minister, the Honourable David Emerson, contained 20 policy recommendations.  These include recommendations on security screening, economic competitiveness, border policies, airport policies and international air policy liberalization.

“Canada’s airports are ready for the next phase in this work – absorbing the recommendations in Mr. Emerson’s report and having meaningful conversations with our partners in air transport on the future of our sector,” said CAC President Daniel-Robert Gooch.

In the meantime, while anticipating work with government on these longer term policy questions, the CAC has put forward two requests for the next federal budget to be tabled in the coming weeks and notes both requests are consistent with challenges discussed in the CTA Review report.

Requiring urgent attention are additional resources for security screening provided by the Canadian Air Transport Security Authority to avoid long waits in the coming fiscal year.  The CAC also has requested changes to infrastructure funding rules for six of Canada’s small airports currently barred from participating in federal programs.

About the Canadian Airports Council

The Canadian Airports Council (CAC), a division of Airports Council International-North America, is the voice for Canada’s airports community.  Its 49 members represent more than 100 airports, including all of the privately operated National Airports System (NAS) airports and many municipal airports across Canada.


About ACI-NA

Airports Council International-North America (ACI-NA) represents local, regional, and state governing bodies that own and operate commercial airports in the United States and Canada. ACI-NA member airports enplane more than 95 percent of the domestic and virtually all the international airline passenger and cargo traffic in North America. Approximately 380 aviation-related businesses are also members of ACI-NA, providing goods and services to airports. Collectively, U.S. airports support more than 11.5 million jobs and account for $1.4 trillion in economic activity – or more than seven percent of the total U.S. GDP. Canadian airports support 405,000 jobs and contribute C$35 billion to Canada’s GDP. Learn more at