Signature Research
America’s commercial airports are powerful economic engines – generating billions of dollars in annual activity, and supporting millions of stable, good-paying jobs. Using data from more than 90 state and airport economic impact studies, a 2014 study found that U.S. commercial airports support nearly 9.6 million jobs, create annual payrolls totaling $358 billion, and produce an annual output of $1.1 trillion.
The Airport Infrastructure Needs Survey estimates capital development costs for the airports that comprise the national airport system of the United States, as defined by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). The survey data is critical in ensuring that federal policymakers understand the complete development needs “picture” as part of their consideration of Airport Improvement Program (AIP).
The ACI-NA Airport Traffic Report, produced by ACI World Headquarters in Montréal, Canada, contains passenger, freight/mail and aircraft operations data for 227 North American airports. Data, as presented in the report, is for the most recent twelve-month reporting period available.
Industry Benchmarking Surveys
ACI-NA’s Economic Affairs and Research Department produces various ACI-NA branded surveys to support policy advocacy and help airports benchmark operational statistics to industry standards. ACI-NA branded surveys include the following:
ACI-NA conducts the Airport Passenger Services Survey in order to observe what services and amenities our members offer the millions of diverse passengers passing through their facilities each year. This helps ACI-NA compose an updated, accurate list of both amenities and services provided at each airport.
This survey is designed by the ACI-NA Concessions Benchmarking Working Group to collect important airport concession data. The goal is to build a comprehensive database of key industry measures that member airports can use for comparing and contrasting with their peers.
Since 2005, the ACI-NA Benchmarking Survey has attracted airports across all sizes from both US and Canada. This survey is ACI-NA’s largest annual data gathering effort and is deemed essential by most member airports. The goal is to assist ACI-NA and its members to measure operational and financial performance across all airports.
This benchmarking survey provides a snapshot of the industry’s environmental management activities and progress toward ACI-NA environmental goals. The data generated is also a resource for airports to benchmark themselves as they continuously enhance their environmental and sustainability initiatives.
Centerlines Connect is a members-only resource for discussing and sharing ideas. Members can access committee-based discussion forums to collaborate on files, share information and discuss topics important to the airport industry.
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Access the 10 most recent research papers from the Airports Cooperative Research Program, part of the Transportation Research Board.