February 12, 2021
1:00 PM – 2:15 PM ET

The aviation industry, governments and the traveling public generally agree that COVID-19 testing regimes can enhance the safety of air travel. Implementing testing, however, is a challenge no matter the size or location of an airport.

Over the past few months, the questions most frequently asked on committee and hub size calls have been about testing at airports:

  • Whether or not to provide COVID-19 testing at airports;
  • Where to locate COVID-19 testing sites at airports;
  • How to choose a model that suits their passenger needs;
  • How to engage with stakeholders;
  • How to structure protocols; and
  • How to keep track of which airports have established programs.

ACI-NA’s upcoming webinars on COVID-19 testing will feature airports that have established testing sites, sharing their insights and the common thread of adapting to rapidly changing variables. Each webinar will also allow for plenty of time for Q&A so come prepared to join the discussion.

This session will feature a panel of airports with their testing provider to discuss how they worked together on logistics, communicating with passengers and stakeholders, and their perspectives on how long testing will be necessary and what additional variables they may need to address in 2021.


Shifra Goldenberg
Senior Manager, Testing
New York City Health & Hospitals

Aidan O’Donnell
Chief of Staff
Port Authority of New York and New Jersey

Dr. Don D. Sin, MD
Staff Respirologist
St. Paul’s Hospital
Canada Research Chair in COPD
UBC Professor of Medicine

Doug Stearns
Aviation Department
Port Authority of New York and New Jersey

Chris Thureau
Manager, Facilitation
Vancouver International Airport

Moderated by

Paul Bradbury
Airport Director
Portland International Jetport

Registration is open to everyone for FREE.


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  1. ACI-NA Order Confirmation from meetings@airportscouncil.org; and
  2. Webinar Confirmation from ACI-NA Webinars customercare@gotowebinar.com.  The Webinar Confirmation email contains your GoToWebinar login information and has an ‘Add to Calendar’ option to ensure you do not miss the webinar.

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