ACI-NA is built on a foundation of committees focused on key industry sectors. Being a part of any of our 17 committees allows you to impact national and international policy decisions by participating in discussions on regulatory proposals and sharing knowledge and experience with your peers.
We encourage all staff of member airports and organizations to participate in our committees. Being a committee member allows you the flexibility to be as involved as your schedule allows, from reading and commenting in discussion forums to attending meetings or conference calls to serving on a committee’s Steering Group.
Members are not limited in the number of committees they may participate in and there is no extra cost to join a committee.
Air Cargo
The Air Cargo Committee advances the industry’s understanding and knowledge of air cargo economics and practices by assisting airport operators in the management of existing air cargo resources, maximization of potential air cargo opportunities and the enhancement of air cargo revenues, in addition to providing a forum to discuss cargo-related security issues and developing concerns in the air cargo industry.
Air Service
The Air Service Committee focuses on issues related to the development, maintenance and retention of air carrier air services to member airports. Members of the committee work to develop events for airport members to connect with air carrier representatives, enabling them to build productive relationships between the carriers and the communities they serve. The committee develops and advocates on regulatory and legislative issues related to air service and interacts, at a minimum, with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), the U.S. Department of Transportation as well as Transport Canada (TC).
Business Diversity
The Business Diversity Committee (BDC) is committed to developing proactive outreach and educational programs that provide a forum to discuss successful practices in administering supplier diversity programs. The Committee monitors changes in legislation, regulatory requirements, and business practices affecting the federally mandated disadvantaged business enterprises (“DBE”) and airport concessions disadvantaged business enterprises (“ACDBE”), as well as female, minority and small (F/M/S) businesses at airports. It contributes to ACI-NA policy recommendations on DBE/ACDBE/F/M/S business issues, as well as promotes successful airport DBE/ACDBE/F/M/S/ business programs. The BDC is further committed to demonstrating that supplier diversity is a good business practice in that it promotes competition and helps develop an airport business environment that is reflective of the community in which it operates.
Business Information Technology
The Business Information Technology (BIT) Committee is the forum where members with airport-related information technology responsibilities can network, communicate, share data, conduct research and keep up-to-date with the latest technological developments. The committee examines new and emerging technologies for their applicability to airport systems, and reviews how existing systems can be improved to better serve the airport system and the needs of customers.
Commercial Management
The Commercial Management Committee serves as a forum to share ideas and exchange information among fellow airport concessions and commercial properties professionals as well as to identify the best commercial practices at airports. The committee focuses on landside management issues such as ground transportation, parking and car rentals. It also concentrates on issues relating to concessions and commercialization as well as tracking trends and best practices. The committee annually completes a work plan of projects that will benefit the airport industry as it relates to concessions and commercial properties matters.
Environmental Affairs
The Environmental Affairs Committee is responsible for the development and implementation of ACI-NA environmental policy positions on issues such as noise, air quality, water quality, waste management, wildlife, and environmental review processes. Committee members work with federal legislators and regulators, aviation industry groups, and international policy makers to develop statutory and regulatory proposals governing the environment at and around airports and the tenants who operate there.
The Facilitation Committee addresses issues related to international passenger and cargo inspection and facilitation programs and regulations. The main issues covered are: the role of airports in border security, federal agency staffing and hours of operation, the collection and use of international passenger user fees, passenger and cargo inspection regulations and procedures, airport facility requirements, and customer services.
The ACI-NA Finance Committee serves as a forum to exchange information and best practices among fellow airport finance and Associate Member professionals to collectively strategize and advocate on important industry topics which impact airport financial operations and long-term financial viability.
Human Resources
The ACI-NA Human Resources Committee provides services that strengthen our ability to collaborate with the aviation community advocating strategic initiatives which inspire excellence in maximizing the potential of Human Capital. It functions to be the global human resources leader within the aviation community.
Large Hub
ACI-NA’s Large Hub Committee provides airport directors and their designated senior staff representatives with a single forum to address all of the issues and concerns faced by the largest commercial service airports in North America. Airport funding, regulatory flexibility, passenger facilitation, security and commercial issues are some the most important subjects addressed by the committee.
**NB: this Committee is open to airports only**
Legal Affairs
The Legal Affairs Committee provides airport attorneys with a forum to share information about new developments in case law, statutes and regulations affecting airports; the Committee also monitors pending airport litigation. Through its steering group, recommendations are made to the ACI-NA Board and Executive Committee regarding requests that ACI-NA file “friend of the court” briefs at the appellate stage of cases in federal and state court, where those cases are likely to have significant implications for U.S. airports. The Committee reviews and edits draft briefs prior to filing.
For more than 40 years, ACI-NA’s Marketing, Communications & Customer Experience Committee has provided professional support and educational opportunities for ACI-NA members in air service and business development, marketing, public affairs, customer service and community relations. The Committee develops aviation-related educational and policy programs for ACI-NA members, identifies issues and promotes public awareness of airports as economic generators for their communities and develops strategies for delivering strong customer service and attracting new air service.
Medium Hub
ACI-NA’s Medium Hub Committee provides airport directors and their senior leaders a forum to discuss common issues faced by similarly sized airports across the country. Infrastructure funding, domestic and international air-service development, regulatory flexibility, and passenger facilitation are a few of the most important issues addressed by the committee.
**NB: this Committee is open to airports only**
Public Safety & Security
The Public Safety and Security (PS&S) Committee’s mission is to enhance the safety and security of airports by providing recommendations to industry and government for aviation safety and security policies, identifying and promoting best practices in aviation safety and security, and identifying and/or developing educational and technological resources that help accomplish airport safety and security objectives.
Risk Management
The Risk Management Committee serves as the forum for discussing airport risk management issues including loss control and prevention, airport insurance agreements, regulatory requirements, and Enterprise Risk Management, as well as airport safety issues and other important insurance-related topics. It also works towards developing and enhancing the ACI-NA Airport Insurance Program.
Small Airports
ACI-NA’s members range from the busiest airports in the world to those providing services to some of the smaller communities in North America. ACI-NA’s Small Airports Committee provides a single forum to address all of the issues and concerns faced by smaller commercial service airports in North America with a special emphasis on the development of programs and policies to assist airports with limited resources. Airport funding, regulatory flexibility, small business impacts, and market development are some of the more relevant topics on the Committee’s agenda.
**NB: this Committee is open to airports only**
U.S. International Air Service Program
The ACI-NA U.S. International Air Service Program is the forum for U.S. Airports interested in international air service and related issues, and promotes the common interests of participating U.S. airports. It focuses on development of international air services to U.S. communities as well as protection of U.S. airport proprietary rights in international agreements and aviation relationships. Many of these agreements and relationships determine which U.S. cities receive international air service and the nature of foreign airline rights at U.S. airports.
Young Professional Participation
In order to participate, the Young Professional (YP) must be under 40 years of age during their term on the Steering Group and their airport/company must be a member in good standing of ACI-NA. The Steering Group term is one year, with the option of being reelected in the following year, according to the individual Committee Participation Plan. YPs can participate on a Steering Group even if their airport/ company already participates as a Steering Group member.