2023 Disaster Relief Fund
ACI-NA and AAAE are mobilizing a joint a relief effort to support our airport ohana directly impacted by the recent wildfire on the island of Maui. Based on our early communication with the State of Hawaii Airport Division team, we know many airport employees have been impacted by the devastation, including the total loss of homes and other personal property.
Early estimates of the total damage and economic toll of the catastrophic wildfires in Hawaii that decimated Lahaina, a historic town on the island of Maui, is $8 to $10 billion.
While the airport team works to relocate tourists off the island, with limited resources and no electricity in the Lahaina area, we are asking for your help to provide support for our colleagues for when they are able to turn their attention to their own catastrophic losses.
Mahalo for your quick and generous support of our industry colleagues!.
Please contact Gwen Basaria (AAAE) at gwen.basaria@aaae.org or 703.797.2540 or Scott Elmore (ACI-NA) at selmore@airportscouncil.org or 202.861.8082.

ACI-NA U.S. Relief Foundation
ACI-NA has established an ACI-NA Relief Foundation that will be used to provide disaster relief to employees and their families of ACI-NA member airports and World Business Partners/Associates who suffer hardship as a result of natural disasters. The foundation has obtained tax-exempt status under Internal Revenue Code Sec. 501(c)(3) from the IRS, so any contributions are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law for U.S. taxpayers. Moreover, 100% of funds received will be provided to victims of natural disasters, as ACI-NA will donate all administrative services necessary to process contributions and distribution of funds.

ACI-NA Relief Foundation Canada
ACI-NA has established an ACI-NA Relief Foundation that will be used to provide disaster relief to employees and their families of ACI-NA member airports and World Business Partners/Associates who suffer hardship as a result of natural disasters. The foundation has obtained tax-exempt status under the Canadian Revenue Code from the Canadian Revenue Agency (CRA), so any contributions are tax deductible to the extent allowed by the laws of Canadian taxpayers. Moreover, 100% of funds received will be provided to victims of natural disasters, as ACI-NA will donate all administrative services necessary to process contributions and distribution of funds.

ACI-NA Education Foundation
ACI-NA has established an ACI-NA Educational Foundation that will be used to provide educational scholarships for courses or educational programs beneficial to airport administration to qualified students, including employees of Airport Members of Airport Operators Council International, Inc. The foundation has obtained tax-exempt status under Internal Revenue Code Sec. 501(c)(3) from the IRS, so any contributions are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law for U.S. taxpayers. Moreover, 100% of funds received will be provided to qualified students as ACI-NA will donate all administrative services necessary to process contributions and distribution of funds.
Please contact memberservices@airportscouncil.org with any questions about contributing to ACI-NA’s foundations.